Thursday, December 30, 2010

C'mon Winter Light My Fire

Foto credit: Marina Trocin

Daniela,  19, student

Daniela studies in Bucharest and came back home for the winter holidays.

Our team is growing- we have a new collaborator and we would like to give her a waaaarm welcome as well! 

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Go green, save the Earth

Photo credit to: Lucia Lupu

Daniela si Nadea

Pe lângă faptul că arată bine, Nadea şi Daniela sunt fondatorii celui mai mare proiect socio-ecologic din ţara noastră ce se numeşte "Hai, Moldova!". Acest proiect are scopul de a recruta un număr uriaş de voluntari care ulterior vor curăţa Moldova de deşeuri într-o singură zi!
"Aşteptăm şi implicarea voastră!"

Besides the fact that Nadea and Daniela look so fine and have such nice style, the girls are also the creators of the biggest socio-environmental project of Moldova, called "Hai Moldova!".

Monday, December 13, 2010

Perfect Combination

Photo credit to: Lucia Lupu

Paula, 17
"Nu ma prea inspir de la altii, nui genul meu.
Un pic shoes-addicted, un pic crazy, un pic vreau sa par om serios, pare combinatia perfecta. :))"

Paula said she's not inspired by other people or their style. It seems that the perfect combination that works for her is: a bit shoes- addicted, a tiny bit crazy, a bit too serious for her age.

We like that, how'bout you?!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

From the archives: Summer Flashbacks pt. II

So we're back with more fresh posts from summer, as we all long for it right now! We think this selection is absolutely great with some retro touches, stripes, prints and well see it for yourself:)

We would like to thank our new collaborator Lucia Lupu, for these photos and give her a warm welcome to Chisinau Street Style. Keep rockin' girl!